Has emerged scholars Malikia Morocco and Andalusia and Africa in the
field of the advisory through the ages, the increasingly growing urbanization and
the evolution of time and space, where they wrote useful works in times of
nawazeil and answers, and spent and have stated in the course of affairs and
conditions, to resolve problems and developments of the early centuries.
Jurists Tuoit area for others is no different; in the interest alnawazeil and
Fatawa, solving problematic issues people, including Mohamed Abdelaziz
Albelbali who collected the cataclysms of "Ghanait questioner as occurred in
Touat of issues and questions", which is the Encyclopedia of jurisprudence as it
contains scientific material.
The owner of this nawaziel is Mohammed Abdul Aziz Ibn Mohammed
Abdul Rahman Ibn Abdul kader Ibn Ahmed al-Faqih Mohammed Albelbali Ibn
Abi Zaid Ibn Abdul-full bin Yousof Ibn Yahya Al-Ansari, Khazraji.
Was born on Monday, 03 Shawwal 1190 Alhidjra, and grew up in Touat, in
the arms of science and religion family, was the house where he was born is the
first school in which science received, then a student of the elders of the region.
Mohammed Abdul worked the judiciary and Fatwa and teaching, they
come out by many of the elders. Died this world judge on year 1261 Alhidjra.
He is the author Mohammed Abdelaziz Albelbali some poems in
lamentation and praise, the most important legacy of scientific heritage, and
proud Touat area; the cataclysms of the Shura above-mentioned, which is the
Encyclopedia of jurisprudence, as it contains doctrinal sources, rich scientific
Pmadtha, the cataclysms of Ghanait questioner reveals features of jurisprudence
Maliki in Touat; during a specific period of time, nor reflected its value in terms
of its issues, rather than to visualize the real-life Touat for coverage first, but
they are associated with events and realistic, one of the political, social and
economic terms; reveal phenomena in Altouati environment, It has been
affected, including the events, and the perception bucked the usual cases.
Although the advantages of books chaos and Fatawa photographed for
several conditions, because it addresses real issues occurred at a particular time,
it simplifies the momentum of a knowledge for those interested in the historical,
political, social and literary studies, which is a source for the study of history,
this nawazeil provide a picture of the life of society and tribes in the southern
desert, and reveal phenomena and habits had a prevalence in the community
Touati, considered nawazeil source of social history.
And that these events are associated with times of nawazeil and realistic
modern and problematic, they are linked to a number of areas, including
Altouati, and Morocco, and parts of western Sudan, it has revealed a lot of
historical facts.
It has been portrayed by our economic phenomena represented in trade and
agriculture, which have had an impact on the lives of the people of Touat, the
statement mode of transmission properties and benefits among the people, and
the most important exports and imports to Touat.
And it can study all aspects of the region through these times of nawazeil,
in addition to the scientific characteristic that is characterized by scholars and
scientists Touat. |