جماليات المكان في أعمال مصطفى فاسي القصصية

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جماليات المكان في أعمال مصطفى فاسي القصصية

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Title: جماليات المكان في أعمال مصطفى فاسي القصصية
Author: لحياني, فايزة; جعفري, أحمد / مؤطر; قوراري, سليمان / مؤطر
Abstract: The research topic of aesthetic place in the stories Algerian writer Mustafa Fassi sample of his stories, and places came in the collection of short stories and close contact person before the affiliates. Where he knew the value of the place in the stories, and knew its core role, and thus came the places he has variety and many diverse characters, and extends these stories - almost - over the anecdotal experience of the author, they are limited in time between (1971-1990), which gives an overall picture of the patterns places and aesthetics in the stories. Even up to the rest of the semantic search spatial survey Rbtnah other anecdotal elements represented in the personal and time and language.
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/511
Date: 2017

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