The financial derivatives and the banking system The level of risk and the state of correlation

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The financial derivatives and the banking system The level of risk and the state of correlation

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Title: The financial derivatives and the banking system The level of risk and the state of correlation
Author: Akacem, Omar; Mostéfaoui, Sofiane
Abstract: The financial transactions witnessed an explosion and huge dealings with financial derivatives. The sense of these assets comes from the dependence of their values on the principal ones (the original asset: bond, equity, exchange rate…). The objective behind the emergence and the wide uses of them is to hedge the financial securities against risks and reduce the volatility of their revenues. This paper attempts to shed light on the impact of the financial derivatives on the safety and soundness of the banking system by analyzing the determinants of this impact and the sensitiveness of the banking system to risks associated by the usage of the financial derivatives.
Description: ملتقى وطني
Date: 2014-10-28

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