الثقافة القرطاجیة في بلاد المغرب القدیم

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الثقافة القرطاجیة في بلاد المغرب القدیم

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Title: الثقافة القرطاجیة في بلاد المغرب القدیم
Author: سقوان, نجلاء; ذراع, الطاهر / مؤطر
Abstract: Studying in this not(MS)modest:Carthaginian culture in the Maghreb ancien History 814 -146 BC,but the image have shown us and by material that we have available. Because culture thorny issue,especially when it comes to ancient cultures ,has been and still holds a lot of historians and researchers to anywas ti how it relates to(culture)sevreal aspects of people’s lives first nations and present to gether: eg critical governance,education,beliefs,arts,and construction… We through the problem at hand,but we want to send the topic again on the table,revealing some aspects that are related to it,moreover give way to make out knowledge and what we have gained from our study of the university is at stake,using scientific mothods.
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/438
Date: 2016

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