Economic empowerment of Arab women as an input to enhance their role in crisis management

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Economic empowerment of Arab women as an input to enhance their role in crisis management

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Title: Economic empowerment of Arab women as an input to enhance their role in crisis management
Author: Amar, Safa; Mostéfaoui, Sofiane; Houtia, Omar
Abstract: Abstract: The past few years have seen the emergence of crises in different parts of the world. These crises are still affecting the Arab countries economically and socially, which requires the search for entrances and effective strategies in order to solve them, or to minimize its negative effects. One of the important strategies to face crises is the strategy or entrance of empowerment. By considering that woman is an essential and crucial component of the communities' prosperity, different international organizations have adopted the principle of women's empowerment as a key objective in their programs. As an example, the United Nations Development Program has developed a program that encourages the empowerment of women in decision-making at all levels ranging from houses through to the government. In this context, the issue of this paper is determined by asking the question about the contribution of economic empowerment of women as an input to enhance its role in crises that afflict the Arab societies?
Description: ملتقى دولي
Date: 2015-12-10

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