التدقيق الاستراتيجي ودوره في تحسين أداء المؤسسة الاقتصادية

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التدقيق الاستراتيجي ودوره في تحسين أداء المؤسسة الاقتصادية

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Title: التدقيق الاستراتيجي ودوره في تحسين أداء المؤسسة الاقتصادية
Author: إبراهيم, بن يمينة; قالون, جيلالي / مؤطر
Abstract: هدفت هذه الدراسة إلى معرفة درجة تطبيق التدقيق الاستراتيجي وعلاقته بمختلف أبعاد الأداء (التنظيمي، الإقتصادي، الاجتماعي، البيئي). وتوصلنا من خلال تحليل النتائج إلى وجود مستويات متوسطة في تطبيق التدقيق الاستراتيجي في المؤسسات الاقتصادية بولاية معسكر، كما وجدنا علاقة ذات دلالة معنوية للتدقيق الإستراتيجي مع تحسن الأداء الاقتصادي، التنظيمي والاجتماعي، وعدم وجودها مع الأداء البيئي. وعليه فإن الدراسة أثبتت أن تطبيق التدقيق الاستراتيجي في المؤسسات الاقتصادية بولاية معسكر يساهم في تحسين أدائها الاقتصادي والتنظيمي والاجتماعي.This study aims to examine The Implications of the Algerian dinar exchange policy on the monetary stability in Algeria During the period 1986-2016,Through four chapters; in the first and the second chapter I focused on the theoretical framework of exchange rate and monetary stability, respectively, In the third Chapter, I discussed the analysis of the exchange policy in Algeria From the independence in 1962 untill 2016, While I devoted the last chapter To measure the impact of the Algerian dinar exchange rate on the monetary stability in Algeria During the study period from 1986 to 2016 Through the application of the Co-integrating Regression Method using the Eviews software version 9, The study concluded in its analytical part that the policy of devaluation of the Algerian dinar did not achieve the desired objectives Because of the lack of conditions for its success, In the practical part of this study and through the co-integration regression models and Engel-Granger causality test; the results proved that there is no impact of the Algerian dinar exchange rate on Algeria's monetary stability coefficient in the short term, However, the error correction model showed a long and causal balance relationship between the Algerian dinar exchange rate and Algeria's long-term monetary stability factor, Engel-Granger causality test also confirmed that the exchange rate changes (TCH) do not cause any variation in the monetary stability coefficient and therefore it had no reflection on the status of monetary stability in Algeria during the study period (1986-2016), Which confirms that the process of devaluation of the Algerian dinar was the result of inevitable circumstances (low oil prices), And It was not intended to achieve monetary stability although the exchange rate is an important indicator of monetary stability.
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/369
Date: 2018-12-02

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