At the present day, many people in the world live without access to electricity because they are living in an isolated area and a poor country (58% of Africa) and so also because connecting them to the power grid is hard and expensive.
The most used solution for supplying isolated areas with power is the use of fossil power like fossil generator (diesel, kerosene…etc) due to the availability and simplicity. On one hand, this solution is polluting, noisy and consumes limited power from the earth. On the other hand, the use of Renewable energy is more efficient as it is available, clean and for free. Nevertheless, Renewable energy is not an economic choice for developed countries due to its expensive cost (investment cost, levilized cost…etc.) compared to fossils generators. This problem can be solved by combining many natural resources (renewable and fossils) to produce power, this is called “Hybrid System” (also known as “Hybrid Renewable Energy System” for a system with one or more renewable generator). The main objective of this system is to solve technical problems like the any-time supply , and economic problems like the decrease of levilized cost or ecologic problems such as minimizing dioxide carbon production. The hybrid system is, for people living in an isolated area, a hope to supply power with clean energy.
Many suggestions were proposed for the hybrid system to maximize efficiency by using the most and freely available resource. The selected rural village is situated in an isolated area in southwest Algeria named “Timiaouine”, this rural village is characterized by high solar and low wind potentials.
Published articles on the hybrid system have increased last years with many objectives related to this system, the review of these articles shows a concentration on three axes on the hybrid system which is sizing, optimization and management in several objectives, the technical and economical objective remains the main aim of these articles.
One of the problems found in the hybrid system is the optimal size of this system. This problem can be solved by using genetic methods, classical methods or by using commercial software. HOMER PRO is one of this commercial software and the most used by researcher due to simplicity and efficiency results and remains the best used method uses is sizing hybrid system using many methods and that is achieved in this thesis by size hybrid system using a modified classical method and HOMER PRO. After sizing the hybrid system in two methods, we need to validate this result by simulating the hybrid system using two methods. The first simulation is by MATLAB Simulink and the second one is by using HOMER PRO. The obtained results show several differences in technical parameters, economic parameter and ecologic parameter. The comparison between these parameters shows that the hybrid system sized by a classical modified method is better technically and economically than the same system sized by HOMERRPO. In addition, and in one hand the system manager uses in MATLAB Simulink characterized by full control of generator production, use renewable generators (solar photovoltaic and wind turbine) to cover power demand more than diesel generator and eliminate unmet load. On the other hand, the hybrid system simulated in HOMER PRO produces power double what consumed by rural villages, uses diesel power when renewable generators are unavailable or not satisfying. |