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dc.contributor.authorحادو, كلثوم
dc.contributor.authorلحياني, فايزة / مؤطر
dc.descriptionتعليمية اللغاتen_US
dc.description.abstractتتميز البنية اللّغوية الجزائرية بثراء وتنوع كبيرين ،إذ لكل منطقة لغة خاصة يتواصل بها جميع أفراد هذه المنطقة ،وتحت ضرورة التّعايش والتعارف ؛نجد أنّ اللّغات تتعايش معا جنبا إلى جنب ،مشكّلة مايعرف لدينا بالتّداخل اللّغويّ ،الذي يصل أثره إلى المدرسة فيؤثر علر التحصيل اللّغوي والمعرفي لدى التلاميذ وعلى العملية التّعليمية بصفة عامة ،ومن هذا المنطلق جاء عنوان الدراسة :"مشكلات التّداخل اللغوي بين اللّغة العربية واللّهجة الزناتية وأثره في عملية التّعليم "،وتهدف هذه الدّراسة إلى محاولة وصف وتشخيص الظاهرة ،ومحاولة اقتراح حاول لها ،من خلال خطة مقسمة إلى مقدّمة ومدخل وفصلين ثم خاتمة .en_US
dc.description.abstractThe Algerian linguistic environement is richness and diversity ,Aseach region has aspecial language fhat all memunicate with ,And under the necessity of coexistence and coexistence ;we find these languages coexist said , the problem of what we have known overlap ,which affects the school ;This affects the linguictic and congnitive achievement of the students and the educalional process in general ,From this standprint the title of the study came:”Problems of linguistic overlap between the Arabic language and the zente dialectand its effect on the educational process “This study aims to attempf to describe and diangnoze the phenomenon and to suggest solutions ,Through a plan divided into an introduction ,An introduction ,Two chapters, and conclusion
dc.description.abstractThe study that we undertook dealt with the topic of “Linguistic Correction and its Effect on Language Acquisition for University Students. The Third Year Bachelor’s and Master’s Level as a Model” Department of Language and Arabic Literature. University of Adrar. The study aimed to try to uncover errors and how to correct them and to identify the reasons students continue to make mistakes and search for solutions proposed to treat and avoid them, and the importance of the topic lies as a basic element in the Arabic language and its two branches, because it has received the attention of linguists since ancient times. Therefore, we selected a sample of 120 students, 60 from Bachelor’s and 60 Masters students, in order to know the effect of linguistic correction on language acquisition and the students ’interest in linguistic correction. We follow in this the descriptive approach which is based on describing the linguistic phenomenon in addition to the statistical method for knowing the percentage of students' response to correction. Linguistic correction acts as language defender in terms of errors Most of the teachers' interest in correcting the verbal and the written together Professors do not consider the concern for language safety due to the students ’specializations, whether they are majoring in language and literature
dc.publisherجامعة احمد دراية - ادرارen_US
dc.subjectالتداخل اللفظيen_US
dc.titleمشكلات التداخل اللغوي بين اللغة العربية واللهجة الزناتية وأثره في عملية التعلمen_US
dc.title.alternativeالمستويان الرابع والخامس في مؤسستي أولاد علي محمد وأحمد بلباي بقصر قدور تيميمونen_US
Appears in Collections:Mémoires de Master

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