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dc.contributor.authorGHOZAL, El hachemi-
dc.contributor.authorSOUILEM, Abdennour-
dc.contributor.authorKADRI, Y. / Encadreur-
dc.description.abstractAbstract: The treatment of medicinal plants is known in the region of Adrar since ancient times due to the variety of plants that grows in the large territory of the region and the reluctance of the region’s inhabitants to use modern medicines, especially older people who practice alternative medicine. Numerous studies have been conducted to examin the medicinal plants in several region of the country. This humble work is the first of its kind at the level of Adrar and Tsabit districts in an attempt to evaluate the medicinal plants used by the population with the methods of preparation. The results of this study show that leaves are the most used part and most treatments are prepared in powder form. The most common disease among all diseases treated is the diseases of the digestive tract. The second part of the work is a comparison to the secondary metabolism levels between two species of cistanche c.phelypea and c.violaceae where the most profitable species is c.violaceae. ملخّص: يُعرف التّداوي بالنباتات الطبية في ولاية أدرار منذ العصور القديمة بسبب تنوع النباتات التي تنمو في الإقليم الكبير للولاية و امتناع سكان المنطقة عن استخدام الأدوية الحديثة ، خاصة كبار السن الذين يمارسون الطب البديل. و قد أجريت العديد من الدراسات لإحصاء النباتات الطبية في عدة ولايات من البلاد. هذا العمل المتواضع هو الأول من نوعه على مستوى منطقتي أدرار و تسابيت في محاولة لتقييم النباتات الطبية المستخدمة من قبل السكان بطرق التحضير.حيث تُظهِر نتائج هذه الدراسة أن الأوراق هي الجزء الأكثر استخدامًا ويتم إعداد معظم العلاجات في شكل مسحوق. كما أنّ المرض الأكثر ذكرا من بين جميع الأمراض التي يتم علاجها هو اضطرابات الجهاز الهضمي. الجزء الثاني من العمل كان مقارنة لمستويات التمثيل الغذائي الثانوي بين نوعين من نبات الدانون c.phelypea و c.violaceae حيث أن النوع الأكبر مردودية هو c.violaceae Abstract: The treatment of medicinal plants is known in the region of Adrar since ancient times due to the variety of plants that grows in the large territory of the region and the reluctance of the region’s inhabitants to use modern medicines, especially older people who practice alternative medicine. Numerous studies have been conducted to examin the medicinal plants in several region of the country. This humble work is the first of its kind at the level of Adrar and Tsabit districts in an attempt to evaluate the medicinal plants used by the population with the methods of preparation. The results of this study show that leaves are the most used part and most treatments are prepared in powder form. The most common disease among all diseases treated is the diseases of the digestive tract. The second part of the work is a comparison to the secondary metabolism levels between two species of cistanche c.phelypea and c.violaceae where the most profitable species is c.violaceae.en_US
dc.publisherUniversité Ahmed Draia - Adraren_US
dc.subjectعلم الأعراقen_US
dc.subjectالعلاج بالنباتاتen_US
dc.titleÉtude de la phytothérapie traditionnelle dans la région de Tsabit et d'Adraren_US
Appears in Collections:Mémoires de Master

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